Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Seiffert

Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Seiffert
Projekte im Rahmen des Fraunhofer Institutes für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung IFF.
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Seiffert, U.: ANNIE - Artificial Neural Network-based Image Encoder. Neurocomputing, Vol. 125, pp. 229-235, 2014.
Knauer, U.; Seiffert, U.: Cascaded Reduction and Growing of Result Sets for Combining Object Detectors. Proc. of the 11. International Conference on Multiple Classifier Systems MCS 2013, Nanjing, China, pp. 121-133, 2013.
Villmann, T.; Kästner, M.; Backhaus, A.; Seiffert, U.: Processing Hyperspectral Data in Machine Learning. Proc. of the 21. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2013, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 1-10, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2013.
Kirsten, S.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Penselin, D.; Wenzel, C.; Matern, A.; Leitner, A.; Baum, T.; Seiffert, U.; Knogge, W.: Necrosis-inducing Proteins of Rhynchosporium Commune, Effectors in Quantitative Disease Resistance. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 25, pp. 1314-1325, 2012.
Backhaus, A.; Lachmair, J.; Rückert, U.; Seiffert, U.: Hardware Accelerated Real Time Classification of Hyperspectral Imaging Data for Coffee Sorting. Proc. of the 20. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2012, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 627-632, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2012.
Backhaus, A.; Ashok, P.C.; Praveen, B.B.; Dholakia, K.; Seiffert, U.: Classifying Scotch Whisky from Near-infrared Raman Spectra with Radial Basis Function Network with Relevance Learning. Proc. of the 20. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2012, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 411-416, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2012.
Kästner, M.; Backhaus, A.; Geweniger, T.; Haase, S.; Seiffert, U.; Villmann, T.: Relevance Learning in Unsupervised Vector Quantization Based on Divergences. Proc. of the 8. International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps WSOM 2011, Espoo, Finland, pp. 90-100, 2011.
Seiffert, U.; Schleif, F.M.; Zühlke, D.: Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence in Life Sciences. Proc. of the 19. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2011, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 77-86, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2011.
Baum, T.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Knogge, W.; Douchkov, D.; Schweizer, P.; Seiffert, U.: HyphArea - Automated analysis of spatiotemporal fungal patterns. Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 168, pp. 72-78, 2011.
Bollenbeck, F.; Seiffert, U.: Joint Registration and Segmentation of Histological Volume Data by Diffusion-based Label Adaptation. Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2440-2443, IEEE Press, Piscataway, USA, 2010.
Backhaus, A.; Kuwabara, A; Fleming, A.; Seiffert, U.: Validation of Unsupervised Clustering Methods for Leaf Phenotype Screening. Proc. of the 18. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2010, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 511-516, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2010.
Bollenbeck, F.; Seiffert, U.: Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Image Processing. In Abraham, A. et. al (Eds.): Foundations of Computational Intelligence - Vol. 5, pp. 197-222, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Bollenbeck, F.; Kaspar, S.; Mock, H.-P.; Weier, D.; Seiffert, U.: Three-dimensional Multimodality Modelling by Integration of High-Resolution Interindividual Atlases and Functional MALDI-IMS Data. In Rajasekaran, S. (Ed.): Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. LNBI 5462, pp. 126-139, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
Ihlow, A.; Schweizer, P.; Seiffert, U.: A High-throughput Screening System for Barley/Powdery Mildew Interactions Based on Automated Analysis of Light Micrographs. BMC Plant Biology, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2008.
Seiffert, U.; Bollenbeck, F.: Fuzzy Image Segmentation by Potential Fields. Proc. of the IEEE World Conference on Computational Intelligence WCCI 2008 / International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FS 2008, Hong Kong, pp. 1118-1123, IEEE Press, 2008.
Villmann, T.; Merenyi, E.; Seiffert, U.: Machine Learning Approaches and Pattern Recognition for Spectral Data. Proc. of the 16. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2008, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 433-444, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2008.
Villmann, T.; Hammer, B.; Seiffert, U.: Perspectives of Self-Adapted Self-Organizing Clustering in Organic Computing. In Ijspeert, A.J. et al. (Eds.): Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology. LNCS 3853. pp. 141-159, Springer, Berlin, 2006.
Seiffert, U.: Training of Large-Scale Feed-Forward Neural Networks. Proc. of the IEEE World Conference on Computational Intelligence WCCI 2006 / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 10780-10785, IEEE Press, 2006.
Seiffert, U.; Hammer, B.; Kaski, S.; Villmann, T.: Neural Networks and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. Proc. of the 14. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN 2006, Bruges, Belgium, pp. 521-532, D-Side Publications, Evere, Belgium, 2006.
Seiffert, U.; Schweizer, P.: A Pattern Recognition Tool for Quantitative Analysis of In Planta Hyphal Growth of Powdery Mildew Fungi. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions (MPMI), Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 906-912, 2005.
Seiffert, U.: Content Adaptive Compression of Images Using Neural Maps. Proc. of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps WSOM 2005, Paris, France, pp. 227-234, 2005.
Seiffert, U.; Jain, L.C., Schweizer, P. (Eds.): Bioinformatics using Computational Intelligence Paradigms. Springer, Heidelberg, 2005.
Seiffert, U.: Artificial Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Computer Hardware. Neurocomputing, Vol. 57, pp. 135-150, 2004.
Seiffert, U.: Biologically Inspired Image Compression in Biomedical High-Throughput Screening. In Ijspeert, A.J. et al. (Eds.): Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology. LNCS 3141. pp. 428-440, Springer, Heidelberg, 2004.
Seiffert, U.; Jain, L.C. (Eds.): Self-Organizing Maps. Recent Advances and Applications. Springer, Heidelberg, 2001.
- Seiffert, U.; Michaelis, B.: Growing Multi-Dimensional Self-Organizing Maps. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 42-48, 1998.
Die komplette Publikationsliste bzw. Sonderdrucke sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung IFF
- Soft Computing, insb. künstliche neuronale Netze, genetische/evolutionäre Algorithmen
- Bildverarbeitung, Mustererkennung, Data Mining
- Räumlich-zeitliche Modellierung biologischer Entwicklungsvorgänge
- Paralleles und verteiltes Rechnen, Spezialhardware für neuronale Netze
- Selbstadaptierende Systeme/Hardware, Organic Computing
Work History
1993 | Diplomingenieur für Automatisierungstechnik (Universität Magdeburg) |
1998 | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. (Universität Magdeburg) |
2000 | DAAD Auslandsstipendium (University of South Australia, Adelaide) |
2002 | Arbeitsgruppenleiter Mustererkennung (Leibniz-Institut IPK, Gatersleben) |
2008 | Honorarprofessur Neuronale Systeme (Universität Magdeburg) |
2008 | Leiter Kompetenzfeld Biosystems Engineering (Fraunhofer-Institut IFF, Magdeburg) |