Peer-reviewed journal article
Experimental optimization of a fish robot’s swimming modes - a complex multiphysical problem
Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Hoerner, Stefan; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Experiments in fluids - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 65 (2024), Artikel 51, insges. 17 S.
Experimentelle Optimierungsmethoden für aktuierte Systeme mit komplexen Fluid-Struktur Wechselwirkungen
Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Leidhold, Roberto; Thevenin, Dominique; Tuhtan, Jeffrey A.
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2024, 1 Online-Ressource (ix, 135 Seiten, 13,92 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 118-132][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 118-132]
Book chapter
Intracycle active blade pitch control for cross-flow tidal turbines using embedded electric drive systems
Zhao, Zhao; Bennecke, Timo; Hoerner, Stefan; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 15th Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - Southampton, UK : Energy and Climate Change Division ; Blanko Ilzarbem Jesús María . - 2023
Speed as perturbation in anisotropy based sensorless control methods
Zhao, Zhao; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2023 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia) - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, S. 915-919
Experimental optimization environment for developing an intracycle pitch control in cross flow turbines
Hoerner, Stefan; Leidhold, Roberto; Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Ruiz-Hussmann, Karla; Bennecke, Timo; Zhao, Zhao; Joedecke, Paul; Weber, Christian-Toralf; Delafin, Pierre-Luc; Bonamy, Cyrille; Delannoy, Yves
In: 15th Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference - Southampton, UK : Energy and Climate Change Division ; Blanko Ilzarbem Jesús María . - 2023
Peer-reviewed journal article
On the influence of head motion on the swimming kinematics of robotic fish
Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Kiiski, Yanneck; Leidhold, Roberto; Hoerner, Stefan
In: Bioinspiration & biomimetics - London : Inst. of Physics, Bd. 18 (2023), Heft 5, Artikel 056007, insges. 14 S.
Auslegungskriterien hochdynamischer Linearmaschinen für alternierende Bewegungen
Benecke, Sebastian; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (XVII, 135 Seiten, 34,24 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 116-123]
Aktive Tilgung von Drehschwingungen und Verbrennungsmotorstart durch Resonanzanregung mit der Elektromaschine eines Hybrid-Antriebs
Vogt, Henning S.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2023, IX, 179 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 127-130]
Schwingungsanalysen unter ganzheitlicher Berücksichtigung elektromagnetischer Lasten
Wegner, Sebastian; Woschke, Elmar; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (XVIII, 140 Seiten, 31,78 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 127-134][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 127-134]
Non-peer-reviewed journal article
Steer-by-wire - universal calculation of production-dependent, strongly fluctuating friction in steering
Schäfer, Johannes; Leidhold, Roberto; Achilles, Frederik
In: SAE technical papers / Society of Automotive Engineers - Warrendale, Pa. : Soc. . - 2023, Artikel 2023-01-5082
Book chapter
PMSM with Hall sensors - which control method - field-oriented Control or block commutation?
Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Kongress: IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC, Merced, CA, USA, 01-04 November 2022, 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE . - 2022
Design and analysis of a blade-embedded limited-angle torque motor for vertical-axis water turbines
Zhao, Zhao; Hoerner, Stefan; Leidhold, Roberto
In: The 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2022) , 2022 - IEEE : IET, S. 204-208
Peer-reviewed journal article
A design concept and kinematic model for a soft aquatic robot with complex bio-mimicking motion
Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Leidhold, Roberto; Hoerner, Stefan
In: Journal of bionic engineering - Cham : Springer International Publishing . - 2022, insges. 13 S.
Auslegungs- und Regelungsmethoden von PMSM mit nicht sinusförmiger Anisotropie für geberlose Regelung und maximales Moment
Förster, Niklas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (v, 87 Blätter, 38,08 MB), Illustrationen
Other materials
Sensorfusion beim adaptiven MSG-Schweißen im Stahlbau
Hieke, Sebastian; Schlosser, Benjamin; Imkhaimer, René; Jüttner, Sven; Leidhold, Roberto
In: DVS Congress 2021 , 2021 - Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH [Kongress: Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS Congress 2021, online, 14. bis 17. September 2021]
Book chapter
Dead-time independent generation of Inductance Maps of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) using a Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)
Horn, Benjamin; Vogt, Henning S.; Tyshakin, Oleksandr; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2021 11th International Online Conference Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2021, insges. 6 S.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Verbrennungsmotorstart durch Resonanzanregung mit der Elektromaschine eines Hybrid-Antriebs
Vogt, Henning S.; Horn, Benjamin; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - Wien [u.a.]: Springer . - 2021
Optimized filter design for common-mode current reduction in four-wire inverter-fed motors
Zhao, Zhao; Horn, Benjamin; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 69 (2022), 3, S. 2265-2275
On the estimation error of position sensorless control of PM synchronous motors
Zhao, Zhao; Leidhold, Robert
In: Energy reports - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier . - 2021, insges. 7 S.
Comprehensive design method and experimental examination of an electrical machine for a free piston linear generator
Benecke, Sebastian; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE . - 2021
Investigations for a trajectory variation to improve the energy conversion for a four-stroke free-piston engine
Tempelhagen, Robin; Gerlach, Andreas; Benecke, Sebastian; Klepatz, Kevin; Leidhold, Roberto; Rottengruber, Hermann
In: Applied Sciences - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 11 (2021), Heft 13, insges. 30 S.
Steer-by-Wire - eine analytische Beurteilung von unterschiedlichen Zahnstangenkraftschätzungen im Fahrzeug
Schäfer, Johannes; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Automatisierungstechnik - Berlin: De Gruyter - AT, Bd. 69 (2021), 1, S. 65-72
Regelung von direktangetriebenen elektrischen Maschinen für Verbrennungsmotoren
Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto; Rottengruber, Hermann
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2021, 176 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 165-176][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 165-176]
Common-mode current reduction technologies in four-wire inverter-fed motors
Zhao, Zhao; Leidhold, Roberto; Vick, Ralf
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2021, iii, 134 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 125-130][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 125-130]
Modellbasierte prädiktive Regelung und Fehlererkennung für permanenterregte Synchronmaschinen
Kiselev, Aleksej; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2021, ix, 99, XIV Blätter [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt V-XIV][Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt V-XIV]
Book chapter
Common-mode current reduction PWM technique optimized for four-wire inverter-fed motors
Zhao, Zhao; Leidhold, Roberto
In: APEC 2019: Thirty-Fifth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference : March 15-19, 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, S. 379-384
SynRM saliencies evaluation for rotor position estimation
Barrera, Pablo M.; Bossio, Guillermo R.; Hieke, Sebastian; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) , 2020 - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 223-229 [Konferenz: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT, Buenos Aires, 26-28 Febuary 2020]
FCS-MPC based fault tolerant Ccontrol for permanent magnet synchronous machines
Catuogno, Guillermo; Kiselev, Aleksej; Frias, R. Gastón; Kuznietsov, Alezander; Garcia, Guillermo O.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON) - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 8 S.
Analysis and compensation of end effects for improved force control of linear machines
Benecke, Sebastian; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Proceedings 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM): online, 23-26 August, 2020/ International Conference on Electrical Machines - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - online, 23-26 August, 2020 . - 2020
Analysis of Common-mode EMI in PM Synchronous Machines with Fractional-slot Concentrated Winding
Teshale, Adisu; Zhao, Zhao; Biru, Getachew; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE PowerAfrica Conference 2020: dates: 25th-28th August 2020, venue: virtual/ IEEE PES & IAS PowerAfrica Conference - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 5 S.
Fault diagnosis in PMSM with partitioned stator windings. Part II: Interturn short-circuit and static eccentricity
Mazzoletti, Manuel Armando; Bossio, Guillermo Rubén; Bossio, Jose M.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON): Resistencia, Argentina 01-04 December 2020 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 7 S.
Efficient motion control of a PMSM and design of a mechanic energy storage for a four stroke free piston engine
Gerlach, Andreas; Benecke, Sebastian; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo: Chicago, IL, USA, 23-26 June 2020 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE - Chicago, IL, USA, 23-26 June 2020 . - 2020, S. 235-239
Finite control set MPC for open-phase fault tolerant control of synchronous reluctance motor
Kiselev, Aleksej; Catuogno, Guillermo R.; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology: Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26-28 February, 2020 : proceedings/ IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE . - 2020, S. 1077-1082
Fault diagnosis in PMSM with partitioned stator windings. Part I: Experimental validation with static eccentricity
Mazzoletti, Manuel Armando; Bossio, Guillermo Rubén; Bossio, Jose M.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2020 IEEE Congreso Bienal de Argentina (ARGENCON): Resistencia, Argentina 01-04 December 2020 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2020, insges. 7 S.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Active broken rotor bars diagnosis in induction motor drives
Barrera, Pablo Martin; Otero, Marcial; Schallschmidt, Thomas; Bossio, Guillermo; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE . - 2020[Online first]
Stator inter-turn faults diagnosis in induction motors using zero-sequence signal injection
Otero, Marcial; Barrera, Pablo M.; Bossio, Guillermo R.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IET electric power applications/ Institution of Engineering and Technology - London [u.a.]: IET . - 2020
Investigation of current-ripple for three-phase four-wire inverter-fed motors
Zhao, Zhao; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Energy reports - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 6 (2020), S. 330-337
Nonlinear power control of an internal combustion engine without throttle actuator
Gerlach, Andreas; Haeseler, Friedrich; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on control systems technology: a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE - a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society . - 2020, insges. 8 S.
Design principle for linear electrical machines to minimize power loss in periodic motions
Benecke, Sebastian; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industry applications: IA ; a publication of the IEEE Industry Applications Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE - IA ; a publication of the IEEE Industry Applications Society . - 2020
Book chapter
Energy management of a power unit without throttle actuator to supply a grid
Gerlach, Andreas; Benecke, Sebastian; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Convention Center, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October, 2019 : proceedings/ IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - Convention Center, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 October, 2019 : proceedings . - 2019
Optimization of common-mode current elimination in four-wire inverter-fed motor through a transfer function approach
Zhao, Zhao; Horn, Benjamin; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2019 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe)/ EPE ECCE Europe - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2019, insges. 10 S.
Design principle for linear electrical machines to minimize power loss in periodic motions
Benecke, Sebastian; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 12th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2019, S. 1-6
The magnetic system analysis of the transverse flux machine and its improvement
Masliennikov, Andrii; Yehorov, Andrii; Duniev, Oleksii; Leidhold, Roberto; Stamann, Mario; Hieke, Sebastian
In: 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON) - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, S. 552-555 [Konferenz: 2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, UKRCON, Lviv, Ukraine, 2-6 July 2019]
Elektrische Maschinen
Schallschmidt, Thomas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs: Grundlagen - vom Mikro-Hybrid zum vollelektrischen Antrieb / Helmut Tschöke, Peter Gutzmer, Thomas Pfund (Hrsg.): Grundlagen - vom Mikro-Hybrid zum vollelektrischen Antrieb - Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2019 . - 2019, S. 41-52[Literaturangaben]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Finite control set MPC for open-phase fault tolerant control of PM synchronous motor drives
Kiselev, Aleksej; Catuogno, Guillermo; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE . - 2019, S. 1-9
Experimental investigation of an optimized pitch control for a Vertical Axis Turbine
Abbaszadeh, Shokoofeh; Hoerner, Stefan; Maitre, Thierry; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IET Renewable power generation/ Institution of Engineering and Technology - London: IET, 2007 . - 2019[Online first]
Variable valve timing with only one camshaft actuator for a single-cylinder engine
Gerlach, Andreas; Fritsch, Martin; Benecke, Sebastian; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE ASME transactions on mechatronics: a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - New York, NY: IEEE - a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Bd. 24 (2019), 4, S. 1839-1850
14. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2019 - Magdeburger Ingenieurtage - 24. und 25. September 2019 : Tagungsband
Kasper, Roland; Gabbert, Ulrich; Grote, Karl-Heinrich; Leidhold, Roberto; Lindemann, Andreas; Scheffler, Michael; Klaeger, Michael
In: Magdeburg: Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät Maschinenbau, Institut für Mobile Systeme - Lehrstuhl Mechatronik, 2019, 1 Online-Ressource (425 Seiten, 62,45 MB), ISBN: 978-3-944722-81-8 Kongress: MMT 14 Magdeburg 2019.09.24-25[Literaturangaben]
Book chapter
Investigation of common-mode current elimination in four-wire inverter-fed motor
Zhao, Zhao; Horn, Benjamin; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2018 IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (PEAC): Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre Shenzhen, China November 4-7, 2018 : conference proceedings/ IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE . - 2018
Performance investigation of generalized predictive position control for a PMSM in view of reference trajectory tracking
Kiselev, Aleksej; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Proceedings 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT): Lyon Congress Center, Lyon, France, 19-22 February, 2018/ IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (19.:2018) . - 2018, S. 481-485
Design and control of a linear reluctance motor for a vacuum diaphragm pump
Benecke, Sebastian; Forster, Niklas; Horn, Benjamin; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM): 20-22 June 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 1251-1256[Symposium: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM, Amalfi, Italy, 20-22 June 2018]
Simple and robust fault tolerant control for open-circuit in high speed PM machines
Catuogno, Guillermo; Noia, Luigi Pio; Pizzo, Andrea; Garcia, Guillermo; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM): 20-22 June 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 950-955[Symposium: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM, Amalfi, Italy, 20-22 June 2018]
Inter-turn faults detection in Induction Motor drives using zero-sequence signal injection
Otero, M.; Bossio, G. R.; Barrera, P. M.; Tyshakin, Oleksandr; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM): 20-22 June 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 202-207[Symposium: 2018 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM, Amalfi, Italy, 20-22 June 2018]
Analysis of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator through modeling and simulation
Berhanu, M.; Mekonnen, Y.; Leidhold, Roberto; Mamo, M.; Muluneh, Z.; Sarwat, A.
In: 2018 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 652-657[Konferenz: 2018 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 28-29 June 2018]
Real-time control of a Doubly Fed Induction Machine for variable speed constant frequency wind power system through laboratory test rig
Berhanu, Milkias; Leidhold, Roberto; Muluneh, Zenachew; Mekonnen, Yemeserach; Sarwat, Arif
In: 2018 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 195-201[Konferenz: 2018 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 28-29 June 2018]
Torque capabilities of permanent magnet synchronous machines made up of polymer-bonded soft magnetic composites
Hieke, Sebastian; Leidhold, Roberto
In: ICEMS 2018: 2018 21th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) : October 7, Sun.-10, Wed., 2018, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 297-301[Konferenz: 2018 21st International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Jeju, South Korea, 7-10 October 2018]
Design of a linear actuator for railway turnouts
Forster, Niklas; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto; Buryakovskiy, Serhiy; Masliy, Artem; Lyubarskiy, B. G.
In: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings/ IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings . - 2018, S. 463-470
Control of a directly driven four-stroke free piston engine
Gerlach, Andreas; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings/ IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings . - 2018, S. 4525-4530
Comparison of active torque damping methods for a power unit in relation to implementation complexity
Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings/ IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings . - 2018, S. 4519-4524
Improved angle estimation for PM synchronous machines with non sinusoidal saliency
Forster, Niklas; Gerlach, Andreas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings/ IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE - Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC, United States of America, 20-23 October, 2018 : proceedings . - 2018, S. 534-540
Faults detection in stator windings of induction motors based on signal injection
Otero, M.; Barrera, P. M.; Bossio, G. R.; Leidhold, Roberto; Tyshakin, Oleksandr
In: IEEE ARGENCON 2018 - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE, S. 1-6[Kongress: 2018 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, 6-8 June 2018]
Peer-reviewed journal article
A strategy for broken bars diagnosis in induction motors drives
Otero, Marcial; Barrera, Pablo Martin; Bossio, Guillermo Ruben; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE Latin America transactions - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 16.2018, 2, S. 322-328
Multi-domain model of faulty stator core for thermal effects and losses evaluation
Silva, Luis I.; Barrera, Pablo M.; Leidhold, Roberto; Bossio, Guillermo R.; De Angelo, Cristian H.
In: Electric power components & systems - London [u.a.]: Taylor & Francis, insges. 10 S., 2018[Online first]
Rotorlagegeberlose Verfahren zum Betrieb einer permanenterregten Synchronmaschine im elektrifizierten Antriebsstrang
Kunzler, Rolf; Kasper, Roland; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2018, ix, 123 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 117-123][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 117-123]
Magnetisch gelagerte Rundtische in der spanenden Fertigung
Stamann, Mario Mario; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2018, xx, 179 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 151-155][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 151-155]
Book chapter
Regelungsstruktur und Realisierbarkeitsanalyse für den Betrieb eines direktangetriebenen Freikolbenmotors
Gerlach, Andreas; Zeilinga, Stephan; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 13. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2017 , 2017 - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek ; Kasper, Roland - autonom - vernetzt - nachhaltig, 27. und 28. September 2017 : Tagungsband, S. 409-418 [Konferenz: MMT2017]
Two-phase transverse flux machine with disc rotor for high torque low speed application
Hieke, Sebastian; Stamann, Mario; Lagunov, Dmytro; Leidhold, Roberto; Masliennikov, Andrii; Duniev, Aleksei; Yehorov, Andrii
In: 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe) - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE ; European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (19.:2017), insges. 8 S. [Konferenz: 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'17 ECCE Europe, Warsaw, Poland, 11.-14. September 2017]
Modeling and control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator using a back-to-back converters in grid tied wind power system
Berhanu Tuka, Milkias; Leidhold, Roberto; Mamo, Mengesha
In: Theme: "Harnessing energy, information and communications technology (ICT) for affordable electrification of Africa" : 2017 IEEE PESIAS PowerAfrica Conference : 27-30 June 2017, Accra, Ghana : conference proceedings - [Piscataway, NJ] : IEEE, S. 75-80 [Konferenz: 2017 IEEE PESIAS PowerAfrica Conference, Accra, Ghana, 27-30 June 2017]
Teilintegrierte und direktgekoppelte Generator-Wasserradkombination
Schallschmidt, Thomas; Stamann, Mario; Kühn, Hannes; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 13. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2017 - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, S. 265-272 [Konferenz: MMT2017]
Model based online detection of inter-turn short circuit faults in PMSM drives under non-stationary conditions
Kiselev, Aleksej; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG): 4-6 April 2017/ CPE-POWERENG - [Piscataway, NJ]: IEEE; CPE-POWERENG (11.:2017) . - 2017, S. 370-374
Peer-reviewed journal article
Design of a decoupling strategy and parameter calculation for six-phase PM machines with general angular displacement
Catuogno, Guillermo; Frias, Gaston; Garcia, Guillermo; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control - London [u.a.] : Sage, insges. 11 S., 2017
13. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2017 - autonom - vernetzt - nachhaltig, 27. und 28. September 2017 : Tagungsband
Kasper, Roland; Gabbert, Ulrich; Grote, Karl-Heinrich; Leidhold, Roberto; Lindemann, Andreas; Schmidt, Bertram
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2017, 1 Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 526 Seiten, 75,85 MB), ISBN: 978-3-944722-54-2 Kongress: MMT 13 Magdeburg 2017.09.27-28[Konferenz: MMT2017]
Book chapter
Efficient Control of Internal Combustion Engines for Electric Power Generation Without Throttle Actuator
Gerlach, Andreas; Horn, Benjamin; Förster, Niklas; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2016 - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE - 42th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ; Florence, Italy, October 24 - 27, 2016, S. 1802-1807 [Kongress: 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 24. - 27. October, 2016]
Self-sensing control of a single cylinder ICE with directly coupled PMSM
Gerlach, Andreas; Horn, Benjamin; Förster, Niklas; Leidhold, Roberto; Rottengruber, Hermann
In: IECON 2016 - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE - 42th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ; Florence, Italy, October 24 - 27, 2016, S. 1864-1869 [Kongress: 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 24. - 27. October, 2016]
Position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor using generalized predictive control algorithm
Kiselev, Aleksej; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2016 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM): 22-24 June 2016/ SPEEDAM - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; SPEEDAM (23.:2016) . - 2016
Fault tolerant control in six-phase PMSM under four open-circuits fault conditions
Catuogno, Guillermo R.; Garcia, Guillermo O.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2016: 42th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ; Florence, Italy, October 24 - 27, 2016 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2016 . - 2016, insges. 6 S.[Kongress: 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 24. - 27. October, 2016]
Broken rotor bars detection in induction motor by using zero-sequence signal injection
Bossio, G.R.; Barrera, Pablo; Otero, M.; Leidhold, Roberto; Schallschmidt, Thomas
In: IECON 2016: 42th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ; Florence, Italy, October 24 - 27, 2016 - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2016 . - 2016, insges. 6 S.[Kongress: 42th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 24. - 27. October, 2016]
Maximisation of back EMF in a high performance PMSM machine with concentrated windings
Förster, Niklas; Leidhold, Roberto; Palis, Stefan
In: IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC 2016)- Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2016, S. 586-590[Kongress: IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC 2016), Varna, Bulgarien, 25-30 September, 2016]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Ripple torque minimization in six-phase PM generators with arbitrary EMF waveform
Catuogno, Guillermo; Garcia, Garcia; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE Latin America transactions - New York, NY: IEEE, 2003, Bd. 14.2016, 9, S. 3999-4005
Book chapter
Elektrische Fahrantriebe
Kasper, Roland; Leidhold, Roberto; Lindemann, Andreas; Schünemann, Martin
In: Die Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs / Tschöke , Helmut - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg . - 2015, S. 35-41 [Kapitel: Elektrische Antriebsmaschinen]
Fault detection in magnetic wedges of induction motor
Bossio, G. R.; Barrera, P. M.; Bossio, J.; Verucchi, C.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2015 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 506-511
Induction motor saliencies analysis using zero-sequence signal injection
Barrera, P. M.; Bossio, G. R.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2015 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 518-523
Active power delivery capability improvement of self-excited induction generator for remote and rural area applications
Ibrahim, Kemal; Leidhold, Roberto
In: AFRICON, 2015: 14- 17 Sept. 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, insges. 5 S.
Umrichterbasierter Inselnetzbetrieb von Asynchrongeneratoren
Schallschmidt, Thomas; Ibrahim, Kemal; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Smart, effizient, mobil: 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 30. September und 1. Oktober 2015 - Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2015, Beitrag Art. C8-3, insgesamt 8 S.Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 12 (Magdeburg : 2015.09.30-10.01)[Beitrag auf CD-ROM]
Variable frequency converter based voltage and frequency regulation of induction generator for stand-alone system application
Ibrahim, Kemal; Leidhold, Roberto
In: AFRICON, 2015: 14- 17 Sept. 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, insges. 5 S.
Hochdynamische Regelung eines Verbrennungsmotors zur Untersuchung der Änderung des Kolbenhub- und Drehzahlverlaufs
Gerlach, Andreas; Rottengruber, Hermann; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Smart, effizient, mobil - 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 30. September und 1. Oktober 2015 , 2015 - Magdeburg : Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg ; Gabbert, Ulrich *1947-* - 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 30. September und 1. Oktober 2015 - 2015, Beitrag C7-2, insgesamt 10 S. Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 12 Magdeburg 2015.09.30-10.01
Compensation of production and principle related torque fluctuations of transverse flux machines
Hieke, Sebastian; Stamann, Mario; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Innovative Klein- und Mikroantriebstechnik - Berlin : VDE-Verl. . - 2015, S. 140-144
Multivariable generalized predictive control of a synchronous motor drive used in an electric vehicle
Kiselev, Aleksej; Kuznietsov, Alexander; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2015 9th International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (CPE): Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT), Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June, 2015/ International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; International Conference on Compatibility and Power Electronics (9.:2015) . - 2015, S. 566-571
Elektrische Antriebsmaschinen
Kasper, Roland; Leidhold, Roberto; Lindemann, Andreas; Schünemann, Martin
In: Die Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs / Tschöke , Helmut - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg . - 2015, S. 19-49
Potentiale elektrischer Einzelradantriebe
Kasper, Roland; Leidhold, Roberto; Lindemann, Andreas; Schünemann, Martin
In: Die Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs / Tschöke , Helmut - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg . - 2015, S. 42-49 [Kapitel: Elektrische Antriebsmaschinen]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Online voltage sensorless high-resistance connection diagnosis in induction motor drives
Barrera, P. M.; Bossio, G. R.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 62.2015, 7, S. 4374 - 4384
Fault-tolerant inverter for power flow control in variable-speed four-wire permanent-magnet generators
Catuogno, G. R.; Garcia, G. O.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 62.2015, 11, S. 6727-6736
Book chapter
Torque control of saturated induction motors with torque per Ampere ratio maximization
Dymko, Serhii; Peresada, Sergei; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS), S. 251-256Kongress: IEPS; (Kyiv) : 2014.06.02-06
Peer-reviewed journal article
On-line diagnosis of high-resistance connection for inverter fed induction motors
Bossio, G.R.; Barrera, P.M. de la; Leidhold, Roberto
In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). - IEEE, insges. 5 S.Kongress: PEMD; 7 (Manchester) : 2014.04.08-10
Power flow maximization in permanent-magnet generators
Catuogno, Guillermo R.; Forchetti, Daniel G.; Leidhold, Roberto; Garcia, Guillermo O.
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics: a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - New York, NY: IEEE, Bd. 61.2014, 12, S. 6566 - 6573
Structural-based modelling of a switched reluctance machine in faulty operation
Silva, L. I.; Leidhold, Roberto; Barrera, P. M. de la
In: 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). - IEEE, insges. 6 S.Kongress: PEMD; 7 (Manchester) : 2014.04.08-10
Electromagnetic rotary tables for mill and drill machining
Stamann, Mario Mario; Schallschmidt, Thomas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: WSEAS transactions on systems and control / World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society - Stevens Point, Wis : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] - Vol. 9.2014, Art. 21, S. 199-208
Maximizing energy transference in PMSG with arbitrary EMF waveform
Catuogno, Guillermo; Forchetti, Daniel; Garcia, Guillermo; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE Latin America transactions. - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 12.2014, 6, S. 1071 - 1077
Book chapter
Control of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as smart grid support within PV/Wind power generations
Abdelkarim, Emad; Leidhold, Roberto; Aly, Mohamed M.; Abdel-Akher, Mamdouh
In: Smart power and efficiency: 35th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, INTELEC 2013, 13-17 October 2013, Hamburg, Germany / VDE ITG: 35th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, INTELEC 2013, 13-17 October 2013, Hamburg, Germany - Berlin [u.a.]: VDE-Verl, 2013 . - 2013
Sensorless method for the compensation of cogging torque in PM synchronous machines
Förster, Niklas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2013: 39th annual conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ; Vienna, Austria, 10 - 13 November 2013 ; [proceedings] - Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2013 . - 2013, S. 3133-3138Kongress: IECON 39 (Vienna, Austria : 2013.11.10-13)
Control of magnetic bearings as rotary tables for mill and drill machining of heavy workpieces
Stamann, Mario Mario; Schallschmidt, Thomas; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Proceedings of the international conferences, Brasov, Romania, June 1 - 3, 2013 - [Athen] : WSEAS Press, S. 313-321
Magnetisch gelagerte Rundtische als intelligente Werkzeugmaschine
Schallschmidt, Thomas; Stamman, Mario; Leidhold, Roberto; Palis, Frank
In: Antriebssysteme 2013 : Elektrik, Mechanik und Hydraulik in der Anwendung ; Vorträge der 4. VDE/VDI-Tagung vom 17. bis 18. September 2013 in Nürtingen. - Berlin [u.a.] : VDE-Verl., S. 52-56 - (ETG-Fachbericht; 138)Kongress: Fachtagung Antriebssysteme; 4 (Nürtingen) : 2013.09.17-18
Einsatz magnetisch gelagerter Maschinenrundtische zur spanenden Werkstückbearbeitung
Stamann, Mario Mario; Schallschmidt, Thomas; Leidhold, Roberto; Palis, Frank
In: Effizienz, Präzision, Qualität - 11. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 25. und 26. September 2013 an der OVGU - Magdeburg : Univ. - 2013, Paper C4-5, insgesamt 10 S. Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 11 Magdeburg 2013.09.25-26
Induction motors torque control with torque per ampere ratio maximization
Dymko, Serhii; Leidhold, Roberto; Peresada, Sergei
In: Effizienz, Präzision, Qualität. - Magdeburg : Univ.; 2013, Paper B5-1, insgesamt 8 S.Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage; 11 (Magdeburg) : 2013.09.25-26
Low-Speed-Generator nach dem Transversalflussprinzip
Schallschmidt, Thomas; Stamann, Mario; Palis, Frank; Leidhold, Roberto
In: Effizienz, Präzision, Qualität - 11. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage ; 25. und 26. September 2013 an der OVGU - Magdeburg : Univ. - 2013, Paper A5-2, insgesamt 6 S. Kongress: Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 11 Magdeburg 2013.09.25-26
Book chapter
Energy transference maximization in permanent magnet synchronous generators
Catuogno, Guillermo; Forchetti, Daniel; Garcia, Guillermo; Ruschetti, Cristian; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2012. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 13-18Kongress: ICIT; (Athen,Greece) : 2012.03.19-21
Power flow control with losses minimization and fault tolerance for PMSG
Catuogno, G.; Forchetti, D.; Garcia, G.; Leidhold, Roberto
In: IECON 2012. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 3566-3571Kongress: IECON; 38 (Montreal, Canada) : 2012.10.25-28
Peer-reviewed journal article
Elektrische Maschinen für Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeuge
Leidhold, Roberto
In: Motortechnische Zeitschrift. - Wiesbaden : Springer Vieweg, Bd. 73.2012, 9, S. 692-699
Book chapter
Autonomous position estimation for pm synchronous motors
Leidhold, Roberto
In: Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2011). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 8-12Kongress: SLED; 2 (Birmingham, UK) : 2011.09.01-02
Multi-domain model of stator core faults using Bond Graph
Silva, Luis Ignacio; Barrera, Pablo Martin de la; Leidhold, Roberto; Bossio, Guillermo Ruben; De Angelo, Cristian Hernan
In: IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics & Drives (SDEMPED), 2011. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, S. 592-597Kongress: SDEMPED; 8 (Bologna, Italy) : 2011.0905-08
Original article in peer-reviewed international journal
Position sensorless control of PM synchronous motors based on zero-sequence carrier injection
Leidhold, Roberto
In: IEEE transactions on industrial electronics. - New York, NY : IEEE, Bd. 58.2011, 12, S. 5371-5379