Saving lives through intelligent systems

Pacemakers, computer tomography and ultrasound - medical engineering products are often life-saving for patients and can significantly improve their quality of life. The medical technology sector is booming not only in Germany but also worldwide, due to the aging population, which at the same time is increasing the demand for medical engineering products.

The technologies developed help physicians to carry out their work and help to accelerate the healing process of the patient.


  • minimally invasive technology
  • Telemedicine
  • computer-assisted surgery
  • medical image processing and visualization

Fields of research

  • electromagnetic compatibility
  • medical telematics and medical engineering
  • medical engineering systems
  • theoretical electrical engineering

Professional fields

  • research (in the fields of Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, application - and software development with a focus on medical applications)
  • development (expansion of software, development tests, testing of hardware components of medical devices)
  • product management (distribution, approval and marketing of medical devices and equipment)
  • quality management (Quality assurance in the development of medical devices and optimization of development processes)
  • software development (programming, conception of software for use on medical equipment)
  • technology (support and maintenance of technical equipment in hospitals and medical practices, radiation protection officer)
  • system administration (support of the IT infrastructure, e.g. of hospitals)

Last Modification: 08.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster