Organisation of the studies

From the content to the planning of your studies - here you will find information and suitable contact persons.

Flow and Overview

Module handbooks, internship, study and examination regulations.

Advice and Support

Academic advisors help them with questions to, among other things:

  • Schedule design
  • Studies flow planning
  • Specialisation opportunities
  • Questions about examinations

Information and Planning

At the start of a new semester you will find an overview of all lectures on the individual study courses in the LSF. It is still possible to create your individual timetable.

Experience and Qualification

In a globalised world, professional and cultural experiences abroad are an important milestone in professional qualification and further development, whether in Germany or worldwide.

Pro. practice and Co. structures

During their internship, they learn to apply the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their studies in a real business environment. Information on general conditions and internships can be found here.

Study and Teaching

The aim of quality assurance is to continuously develop the studies with the help of quality instruments and thus improve them for each student.

Last Modification: 27.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster