Institute of Information Technology and Communications

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Holger Maune

Chair of High Frequency and Communication Engineering

Room: G09-326

+49 391 67-58861

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thilo Pionteck

Chair of Hardware-oriented technical Computer Science

Room: G03-301

+49 391 67-57148

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Wendemuth

Chair of Cognitive Systems

Room: G03-331

+49 391 67-58448

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Lurz

Chair of Integrated Electronic Systems

Room: G09-313

+49 391 67-52407

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ayoub Al-Hamadi

Department of Neuro-Information Technology

Room: G09-421

+49 391 67-58709

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Siegert

Department of Mobile Dialogue Systems

Room: G03-323

+49 391 67-50060

Last Modification: 09.10.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster