Magdeburg's Lord Mayor visit Research Campus STIMULATE

02.02.2023 -  

On 16th January 2023, Magdeburg's mayor, Simone Borris, visited the Research Campus STIMULATE and informed herself about the medical technology activities and the recently acquired transfer space project "transPORT". The local headquarter of transPORT is Magdeburg's Port of Science, and further development is planned in close cooperation with the city of Magdeburg.

Professor Rose shows Mayor Simone Borris an MRI in the STIMULATE research campus.

The first results in Magdeburg's Port of Science became visible through STIMULATE in 2020 as a warehouse building specially renovated by the state of Saxony-Anhalt for the Research Campus, which now houses medical high-tech in the form of a comprehensive infrastructure with the latest imaging procedures. The mayor convinced herself of this during a tour through the STIMULATE laboratories. Mrs. Borris also got to talk to the startups based at the Research Campus - RAYDIAX GmbH and Neoscan Solutions GmbH. Dr. Hoffmann, the CEO of RAYDIAX GmbH, presented the demonstrator of an interventional computer tomograph. In the neighboring building, the CEO of Neoscan Solutions GmbH, Mr. Meyer, and Claudia Beck presented the factory halls for their neonatal magnetic resonance tomograph, which is currently in the certification process. The parties involved saw it as common goals to further expand the excellent condition of the Research Campus STIMULATE for young companies and to strengthen Magdeburg as a center for medical innovations.

Dr. Hoffmann,the CEO of RAYDIAX GmbH presents the demonstrator of an interventional computer tomograph to the Lord Mayor.

The staff of the STIMULATE research campus would like to thank the mayor for her interest and look forward to working together to achieve our common goals.

(Text and images: Research Campus STIMULATE January 2023)

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